Behold, a quasi-representative list of Agile-minded events, products, & ideas that influenced or map the evolution of Product Management over the past 33 years.
I created this list as I thought it might create some conversations of value in the area of where Product Management is headed, and with that, this work serves as post 1 of a 3 part series that will end in my wild-n-crazy product management predictions for 2019.
Below is a public embedded GitHub Gist I’m sharing to y’all as early feedback on my original version of this article indicates there are individuals who want to contribute to this list.
Some additional list notes:
This first open iteration of this shared Gist contains about 3 dozen or so Agile-minded ‘influencer’ events, articles, ideas, or products that contributed in some fashion to the evolution of product management over the past 33 years.
To provide some additional context there is also included about a dozen or so ‘mile marker’ events; hopefully, they add continuity to the time line.
Feel free to contribute to this list. There’s only a couple of ground rules, don’t be spammy nor shamelessly self-promotional about your entry. Don’t take it and claim it as your own.
Oh, and please keep in mind that this quasi-representative list isn’t supposed to be as much of a comprehensive history of Agile, but rather to surface and discuss Agile influences on how Product Management is practiced in 2019.
FYI, here’s a link to part 2: